Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

ISOMT's goal is to bring evidence-based manual skills to our members across the world. Manual therapy is a human motor skill that requires intensive education and training. ISOMT wants to get this unique skill through unique online and offsite courses to facilitate this learning process in all fields including Sports, Orthopedic, Neurology, Pelvic- Women’s health, Geriatric, Pediatric and many more. ISOMT programs will have over 1200 techniques ranging from examination, testing, diagnosis, treatment, mobilizations, manipulations, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue mobilizations, and neural mobilization techniques. The overall curriculum will be offered both online and offsite. The ultimate goal is to bring excellence to the profession of physical therapy.

ISOMT Members - will be given discounts in all the courses & programs.

Non ISOMT Members - can access the course & programs for minimal price.

ISOMT Members - will be given discounts in all the courses & programs.

Non ISOMT Members - can access the course & programs for minimal price.